Thursday, September 16, 2010


Dragons and boy wizards and class A motorhomes, oh my! It's Fall, although you wouldn't really know it by stepping outside. It is still steamy and sultry. I put out the autumn faux pumpkins (real ones die fast in Florida) and the faux sunflower wreath for the front door. Hasn't helped me believe.

We went to Universal's Islands of Adventure last Sunday and walked through Hogsmeade at Harry's Wizarding World but wintery ambience generated by the faux snow covered roofs did not stop us from sweating miserably in the upper 90's heat and humidity. After riding the Flight of Hippogriff and perusing the merchandise at the shops we got in line at Hogwarts Castle for the main ride. And got back out again less than five minutes later. Despite the relatively short 30 minutes posted wait time, we were just too hot and starting to feel sick. So we limped and staggered to the always icy cold Cat In The Hat ride and went home. That's what you do when you have annual passes. No pressure to stay cause you can always come back when the weather's better. If it ever gets better and I am beginning to wonder if summer will ever let go...

Meantime, back in our well air conditioned house, we've been watching all the Harry Potter movies in order and I'd forgotten how good they really are. We are real fans. After all, you are never too old to be a wizard. Look at Dumbledore!

My real time dragon book manuscript is in the capable hands of my editor friend, Lisa. So, I am not worried about Tim until he returns to me for more tweaking.

For no logical reason at all I quite unexpectedly turned my attention to getting a bigger motor home for new and improved vacation adventures. (Have I been bespelled?) See my other Blog, NanNan and Dan Dan for the story. Suffice to say, if all goes as planned, we will sign the papers for the new 31 foot Serrano this weekend. Danny suggested we name it 'The Badger' in honor of his favorite Hogwarts school of wizardry house, Hufflepuff. Since the exterior is badger colored, I like the idea.

We're off to a family wedding at the beach this weekend, too. Probably the last flight of the Parakeet for us before she gets traded in. So, somebody who can, cast a spell and blow any potential hurricanes away from Florida. Live long and prosper.

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