Gators won their 2nd national title in three years but that's not why Ginny's howling. Her breed hails from Louisianna but she was born and bred in Tennessee. I don't know... maybe we could stretch a point and have her be a 'Dawgs' fan like Danny. I guess I am happy for all the Florida fans.
Ginny's agility classes started up again Thursday. I think we may have had a breakthrough. While she did run off the field several times at the beginning, after that she began working really hard and focused intently in watching Danny and trying to figure out and do whatever he wanted her to. Like all 'hoolas, she's a heck of a jumper. Probably her favorite agility trick.
Other bytes of news from the homefront: With the new year, Danny and I are beginning our seventh happy year together. Daughter Laura and her fiance Paul got married last Saturday. So, congrats to Mr and Mrs Paul Brown! We got the first real in vitro pictures of Baby Bailey tonight. So exciting. She is has dark hair and what appear to be sizable feet. (Like Nan Nan's footsies?) Grandson Alex will be one years old on Saturday. We're going to his party. For that, I bought a big Winnie the Pooh bag for his gifts and a packet of tissue paper. I opened the paper and loaded the bag with toys then glanced at the empty cellophane tissue wrapper. I kid you not: it had three diagrams of how to place the paper in a gift bag. Have we really come to this: that people are so dumb...uh intellectually challenged...that they've gotta have picto-directions to put paper in a bag?!! Makes me think of that very funny film Idiocracy. Maybe not so much of a fantasy as I'd thought.
Three cheers for me: I've done yoga for three nights running. I'm noticing already that I am less stiff in the mornings. Resolution number one for 2009, to do more for personal fitness, is in progress so far.
Writing workshop started up again on Monday evening. I'ts going to be a really good group this time. Some good writers from past workshop are back that will challenge us to become better ourselves. New guys seem promising too. Now to get back to work on my YA novel, Charlotte's Dog. That's resolution #2.
I already know that resolution number three, to eat less chocolate and cookies and ice cream will fail. That one is a token resolution, an ought to resolution like going to church every Sunday and forgiving all those who trespass against us. So, I'm gonna enjoy the good bad for me stuff and go for neutrality on the tresspassers.
Nancy's pics: see Marley and Me if you've ever had or love dogs. Rent Ghostrown with the wonderful comic Ricky Gervais, Greg Kinnear, and Tea Leoni. Well written script, great dialogue, good acting, nice pacing. I laughed myself silly. Watch Leverage with Timothy Hutton on TNT Tuesdays at ten. Its the best show on TV right now.
Ta. Must sleep.
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