Hey Bloggers,
Sorry to be among the missing lately but I have been freakin' busy. I've been trying to get ready for my first long 'vacation' trip in 14 years. Yes, that's right, I did say 14 years. I don't like to travel much and generally a week end at the beach an hour or so away by car is just fine with me. I hate to fly commercially and I have a tendency of falling asleep at the wheel when driving on the highway, so you can see some difficulties here. I also hate to pack and always over pack, like if I forget a single thing I will be in a life or death survival situation even if going to London or New York! I also hate leaving my dogs.
But, anyway, we are going on a road trip from Florida to Western Pennsylvania and back and will be gone for ten days. Driving. In the WInnebago. Camping out. Taking two of the dogs. There you have it. Thus far, the longest trip we've done in the RV was Atlanta and back in a week end, so this will be a new experience. W're had to take thr Winnie in for several "get her ready" servicings in Kissimmee and Apopka which are both a hike from home and time consuming. Now, the cab a/c isnt working, so, sigh one more trip for service is coming up on Monday next.
Chili is staying behind on this trip and Danny's sister will be coming to Florida for a vacation and dogsitting experience while we're off on our road tripping.
I've had appointments with the lawyer for setting up my trust and making a new will. I've had appointments with my broker/financial advisor. I had my annual eye exam and got new glasses. (I can see!!) I've met with the illustrater of my dragon book. Got my new drivers liscence. I've also been writing about six hours a day. Whew!
We did take some fun time at Cocoa and Flagler Beach and saw the new Harry Potter film.
The most exciting part of July was not my birthday last week (although I did have fun) but has been the forward momentum on my new book, The Adventures of Mungo Tim. I am at 130 pages and moving along at warp four. Got the first full color illustration of Tim and he's wonderful: he has bat wings, the head of an alligator, horns, a T-rex body with longer front legs, raptor claws, and a long spikey tail. His eyes are cinnebar red, his spikes are cerulean blue, wings are emerald green, scales aquamarine.
Well must run on. Walk time and are microchipping the dogs today. Well, the vet is anyway.
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