Wow, this week has flown on mariposa wings. Don't you just love that word? Mariposa.The sound just rolls across the tongue. Means butterfly in Spanish. Danny had Veteran's Day off and we went to Sea World. Hoped to catch the Polar Express but it doesn't open until this week end. We consoled ourselves by having a really good dinner at Sharks Grill which overlooks the underwater section of the big shark encounter tanks. In case you are wondering, there is no shark on the menu, so the big guys are safe.
My new book is in print! I am expecting my author's advance copy any day and once I approve that, the first fifty copies will be shipped to me. Definitely in time for Christmas giving! Won't my family be thrilled, eh? Just what they've always wanted: a poetry book from me! Okay, quit laughing. I wrote this one, makes it special and its not like I won't be giving them stuff they really want, too. As soon as I get the publicity files, I will post the cover in all its glorious fall colors and it will be available in December on Amazon.com for your holiday gift giving. Don't forget to read Between The Lines. This message brought to you by unfamous live poet.
Only four doggies showed up for dog agility class last night, so Ginny got quite a workout. I got stung by a bee.
This week end we must finish the garage work! Danny's mom and sister come next week end and I want the 2nd guest room to be free of work out equipment with a real bed instead of a blow up bed in place. I'm getting excited about decorating for the holidays in two weeks. Wrote my annual Christmas letter and poem yesterday and am planning my two holiday parties already. Fun!!
Well, happy Friday. Tonight, we're off to Home Depot to keep the economy afloat for another wek end and get stuff for the garage. Then dinner at El Potro. Ole. Adios.
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