I can't believe that Memorial Day has come and gone and it is now, unofficially at least, summer. Whoopee. Now, I can wear white gloves over my huge hands. Just kidding. But I do remember, when I was a kid up north that we couldn't wear white until after Memorial Day. I don't wear white much anyway because if I do I always spill something on it immediately. It's a curse.
Our Memorial Day week end consisted of mall shopping, seeing Star Trek and Angels And Demons and eating out, Mexican one night and Bahama Breeze the next. It stormed each and every day and every night, too. On Memorial Day itself, we ventured out to Sea World despite a 60% chance of rain. It did rain around six pm in the park for a little while which closed down the water rides and roller coasters but mostly it was unbearably hot and humid. I must have been borderline dehydrated when I went and despite sipping water all day I got dizzy and sick. Sitting inside one of the restaurants and eating a giant bowl of soft ice cream helped and I gamely rode the Atlantis water roller coaster if not the new upside down face forwards Manta coaster. But we did tour the new aquarium there connected to the ride which was tres cool and visited the dolphins, manatees, penguins, puffins, sharks, seals, gators, etc and saw our favorite show (Pets Ahoy). We drove to Sea World in the Winnebago and it was nice to be able to go back there hot, tired, wet and dirty and clean up a little and eat supper on board. I was able to lie down on the sofa while Danny drove home and we had cold drinks aboard in the fridge. Great way to go!
I woke up today with a nasty headache, probably also from the dehydration. You'd think I would know better than to venture outside on a beastly hot and humid day to a theme park without being well hydrated! After decades of living in a subtropical climate, I should know the ropes. I still have a Superwoman complex I suppose.
Its raining again. That's seven rainy stormy days out of the last seven. Good news: grass is a fantastic shade of green. Frogs are happy. Bad news; rain is depressing!
By the way, to help keep boredom at bay during the recent monsoon, I read Stephanie Meyer's Twilight. I am probably the last female in America to read it. I was surprised to find it well written and almost impossible to put down. An old fashioned romance. Surprised that the super hip young girls of today like it but glad that they do. A story that features love not lust, sacrifice, good being preferable over evil, courage...doing the right thing and thinking of others before oneself...who knew so many would still like it? And almost five hundred pages, too. Teens are reading again. Hoo-ray. And grown ups can enjoy it too. That's what good writing is all about. Being universal in appeal.
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