We had an interesting week end despite some uncomfortable weather. Saturday, we woke up to wind, cool temperatures, and mist: a perfect day for attending the annual Scottish Games held at Tradewinds Park in Winter Springs. After all, what's more Scottish than cold, wind, and mist? Okay, throw in Scotch whiskey, oatmeal, and plaid, lithe and lovely young lasses dancing the traditional Sword dances in competition, big and brawny lads tossing telephone pole sized cabers across the field, some swordplay, Celtic music, border collies herding sheep, marching bands of bagpipers from as far away as Canada...well, you get the picture. We visited the clan tents, stopping as always to chat awhile at Clan Gunn (mine) and Campbell (Danny's). We sampled traditional Scottish games "fast" food like Bridies and meat pies, shortbread and scones. Skipped the Possum haggis at the Clan McBubba 'shop' though. Laird knows, regular haggis is bad enough.
Despite, or maybe because of, the iffy weather, the games were very popular and parking on site was full. We had to park about a quarter of a mile away in a shopping center. When we left I asked a policeman for a direct and hopefully shortcut way back to the car. He steered us down a nature trail, saying it would eventually drop us off at the Winter Springs Towne Centre. The word eventually didn't register in my consciousness until we'd walked about four miles without sign of a single commercial building. Another mile through the 'lions, tigers, and bears, oh my', and we did eventually end up back at the car. Fortunately, we're used to walking. Didn't seem right though without at least one dog for company.
Saturday evening we went to an art sale benefit for a friend who's husband is ill with cancer. Afterwards, we had supper and fine conversation with long time friends of mine, recently moved back from the West Coast. Chili 'entertained' them by charmingly manipulating them into throwing the ball for her for an hour in true ACD style. Chili knows a mark when she sees one..or two. Be wary of cattle Dogs. Be very wary.
This week end featured another sort of annual event.

Today, was bright and sunny although windy and cold. We went to a dog agility competition. Yes, Border Collies really can fly...or seem to anyway. Jack Russell Terriers can really hustle, too. We're hoping to start Ginny and Chili in a beginner's group in February. It's a fun sport!
Speaking of Ginny, she cut up her front right foot pad last night running the perimeter of the back yard and is wearing a "Mukluck" boot on her paw until it heals. She doesn't really like it but it is sooo cute!
Well, all for now my little bloggers. Live long and prosper. If you have the day off for MLK's birthday, enjoy!
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