As I think I mentioned...or maybe it was only on the Nan Nan and Dan Dan posting...we camped out last week end in our driveway in the Winnebago with all three dogs for practice. Abby n Ginny curled up and slept soundly but Chili drove us nutsoid. She had me up most of the night. It was scritch scratch, on the bed, off the bed, yip yip, roll on the floor and bark, make the trash can lid bang three times, ask for more water, scratch scritch, jump on Nancy's head, ask to go out and pee at two thirty and five am. She doesn't sleep much even in the house but we don't notice much what she does except when she needs to go out. In a twenty four foot motor home it was impossible not to notice.
Chili is not only an ADD ACD (Australian Cattle Dog) but she is also a special needs dog. She has epilepsy, allergies, and a bad hip. Pet sitting wouldn't work unless the person was actually staying at the house. She can't be left outside alone for fear of seizures, especially near water. She must have daily anti seizure medication, anihistamines, ocassional pain meds, and allergy shots! In additi0n to that, she is a dumpster diva. Can't leave her with any friend you want to keep.
We are planning out first overnight trip this week end to the beach and Danny has ruled that Chili can't go. Even though I feel guilty about this, he's probably right. So, this week, it was my task to find someplace for Chili to board. We researched doggie day care places online that are not too far away from home, specifically those that also board at night. We looked at one last evening that is pretty close but there is no overnight attendants there or overnight supervision. I also didn't care for the sleeping areas which seemed claustrophobic. I think they are mostly set up for daycare. I was supposed to take Chili there for a daycare 1/2 day trial today but decided to postpone and look at some other places. Actually, I had a real actual morning meltdown, complete with panic attack, at the idea of leaving her anywhere at all.
Confession: (The people who actually know me will not be surprised by this.) I am a dog fanatic, a dog co dependant, and...well...they are my babies in fur even if they are Rottweilers or Akitas or hunting 'hoolas. The are also my security blankets. I never like to be apart from them for long.
But, I took some calming breaths and this afternoon, Chili and I visited a facility in downtown Orlando that has 24 hour supervision and night time potty walks. A little more what I am looking for. The we went to a place very near home in Winter Park that does not have overnight attendants but provides a potty walk at nine thirty in the evening. They are set up in the back in more of a kennel style with big crates which aren't as cushy but also aren't claustrophobic. Both places have indoor and outdoor play areas. The downtown one is bigger and has web cams so you can go online and see what your doggy is up to. We heard of one that's not too close to home but has big outdoor runs and a saltwater swimming pool as well as the things the other have. We want to check that one out before making a decision. In the meantime, Chili will be boarding at her vet this once where she may be bored as heck but where I know she will be safe.
I'm still hoping she will get used to RV day tripping and become a better camper so we can take her with us in future. I hate leaving any of my dogs!!
I am looking forward to a week end at the beach though. It has been way way too long since I have gotten away just to play.
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