I had a little fun with one of my favorite Christmas songs, changing the lyrics to suit. Sing this little ditty to the tune of Have Yourself a Merry little Christmas. If you dare. If you can't sing on key, oh well...who cares!
Have yourself a busy little Christmas
get the whole thing right
you'll be such a total wreck
by New Year's night.
Next year you won't be in such a frenzy
or so, you always vow
But, for now
you've got to get it done somehow.
Here you are as in olden days
in a holly daze once more
this must be the most perfect Yule
better than the ones before!
Go to several dozen Christmas parties
eat, a ton of food
sing Rudolph and White Christmas
'till you catch the mood.
Hang the lights upon the Christmas tree
send out a hundred cards
bake cookies and wrap presents
and decorate your yard.
There you are in the mall again
as in holidays of yore
charging stuff on your credit cards
that is sure to leave you poor.
By Christmas Eve you'll have it all together
if the fates allow
until then
take naps and struggle through somehow
and have yourself
a happy little Christmas now.
My apologies to songwriters Hugh Martin and Ralph Bane and the late Judy Garland and late great Frank Sinatra who made the original song, Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas with the actual lyrics a beloved Christmas classic. Bit of trivia: Judy first sang the song to little Margaret O'Brien in the 1944 film, Meet Me In St Louis.
1 comment:
I love your revised lyrics!
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