Brrrr...its cold outside. Actually, its cold inside too. The temp outside is in the forties, but its a wet cold that seems to cut right through your clothes. When we walked the doggies after dinner, I had on fleece pants, a T shirt, a sweat shirt, a sweater, a parka, and gloves! I know that sounds like overkill, but that's what it took to get me warm. If I'd had a serape, I'd have probably worn that too. Abby and Chili are furry enough not to be cold outside but Ginny has a short 'grey hound' sort of coat so we put on her fleece lined plaid jacket and she seemed grateful for it.
Today was Danny's birthday and since he is somewhat inclined towards being Grinchy about Christmas, what better to do but to go to Universal's Islands of Adventure and see the Grinchmas Musical production?
It being Monday and frigid, the park was under populated by fun seekers which was okay by us. No water rides today though: red fish, blue fish, cold fish, dead fish! Instead, we rode the Seussy rides, toured the shops, rode Spiderman for probably the two dozenth time and finished by eating dinner at Jimmy Buffet's Margarita ville. Fun!
Busy week end. After eating dinner at Aladdin's Cafe on Friday, I spent most of the rest of the time getting ready for our Christmas party which was Sunday. Chili had another seizure on Friday, but seems okay. Just before the party in fact, she jumped up on the kitchen table and ate six of the gingerbread cookies I'd made on Saturday night. Fortunately, I'd made a whole lot of cookies (since there wasn't time to make more) and even more fortunately she got gingerbread instead of the chocolate stuff. Chocolate is toxic to dogs. Anyway, forty five friends showed up for fun and frivolity, the weather got a little nippy towards mid evening forcing people to leave the pool area (where they tend to park by the bar) for warmer quarters indoors where they hopefully noticed all my decorations and the crazillions of candles Danny lit.
I served my usual sort of party fare: turkey and ham with assorted breads, cold shrimp, my special meatballs in wine sauce, hot spinach/artichoke dip, layered bean dip, cheese platter, veggie platter, hummus, deviled eggs, ginger, chocolate lace, and sugar cookies, brownies, baklava, and warm dipping chocolate with apples, angel food cake, cherries, and strawberries. This year I dropped the smoked oysters and added crab and lobster balls.
The dogs were banished for the evening to my mother's house. I'm not sure they liked that but it made entertaining easier. Gone are the days when angelic (Catahoula) Belle calmly snoozed on my bed and (Akita) Nikki pretended to be a rug during parties. The current Mutley Crew doesn't cotton too well to large groups in the house. Chili barks and hurls herself at the door all night and Abby is inclined to eat door frames or try to dig under the door. Ginny usually barks a little then settles into a chair on the porch and watches, but one well behaved girl out of three doesn't cut it.
Well, tomorrow folks I fear I must begin Christmas shopping. I always save it for last on my December list of must dos. Danny took some photos at Universal today. I will post them as soon as he gets them to me. Probably tomorrow. TTFN
Postscript: The pictures are Danny and me at Universal last December when it wasn't cold and Ginny and Abby being cold weather cuddlebugs.
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