My books arrived today.
I was pretty pumped up when the UPS guy knocked, I opened the door, and there were a couple of big boxes full of my very own published works. I did what I suppose might pass for a passable jig in very dim light in a small town somewhere in the world that hadn't seen even a second rate production of Riverdance. I'm not much of a dancer when it involves moving feet, but the joy was there none the less. I sat down and read my book cover to cover. It looks different when its actually on a printed book size page in your hand instead of on a computer screen. I've read the manuscript many many times throughout the writing and editing and publishing process, but this time I really enjoyed reading it. Oh yeah, if I was writing it again, I'd change a few pieces of text and a character name or two but what author doesn't think that after the fact? All in all, I'm happy. If you like to read fiction, especially short stories loaded with imagination, humor, surprises, and some quirky characters you'll probably find something in the book to like.
It's for sale on Amazon.com for about twenty bucks. Cheap entertainment these days. Check it out. Make me happy. Buy a copy for a friend, your mom, whomever. It mails easy. Christmas is just around the corner, too.
Aside from being happy about the book, I spent most of the day languishing in bed with what I hope is a 24 hour crud bug. Apparently, it's going around. I read a Sci-Fi book, but...oh gosh...if you get the crud bug you could languish while reading my book! Okay, enough with the shameless self promotion.
For those of you reading this who regularly read my blog on Yahoo360 and have followed my house adventures and misadventures, my endless house renovations and frustrations are still continuing. I found out yesterday that it will cost 5 to 6,800K to replace my damaged tile kitchen counter tops with granite or quartz. (Gasp! Oh, the horror, the horror.) So, tomorrow a tile guy is coming out to give me the word on whether he can rescue and restore the tile instead. Dunno when I can actually schedule that if it is doable since the floor restoration work begins on Monday and should continue if all goes well until early December. So, maybe no pretty counter tops or workable cook top for Tiny Tim's turkey this year. Good thing I have daughters who cook and my mother's house to stay at!
All for now Bloggers. Live long and prosper.
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