Here are Chili and Ginny in our very empty living room. In between watching the events at the Olympics on TV, Danny and I had our own Olympic moments lifting and moving all the monumentally heavy furniture out of the room and putting it all in the dining room in preparation for sanding and re-staining and refinishing the floor. It looks pretty good in the pictures, but in person you can see all the wear and damage which will be redone by next week end.
How' bout those American swimmers and basketball players anyway? They have done us proud. If you watched the opening ceremonies I'm sure you will agree that it was incredibly spectacular. Danny, a former gymnast, is all but glued to the TV. I now understand golf and football widows a little better.
I am not a big George Bush fan, but his being there with his family and being excited about supporting American athletes is sort of a warm fuzzy. I saw the interview with Bob Costas and agree with everything the President said regarding China. China is a country with one fifth of the population of the world and is the big upcoming economic power of the 21st century. We need to keep good relations with China. Her culture is an ancient one and the Maoist communist regime was a brief blip in China time. China can whup the pants off Al Quaida and the arrogant Arab lords of oil as well as the Islamic extremists. Doesn't matter how many Chinese the Muslims kill, they will just keep coming. I just hope they continue to keep dogs off the menu.
By the way, did you know that in some Arabic countries, you are not even allowed to walk your dog on a public street. Dog can be confiscated and you arrested. In Arabia, women aren't allowed to drive cars...or participate as an athlete in the Olympic games. Say what you will regarding human rights...and China does have some problems here...at least in China, women aren't slaves.
Nuff said.
Back on the home front we are very excited. We have an upcoming fall wedding in the NanNan clan to look forward to. A new son in law. Another upcoming grandchild in the spring. Life is good. Even if I have a new crop of aches and pains.
We enjoyed the week end...even with moving the furniture. We saw The Mummy movie and went to the dog park. Ate Chinese food and roamed the aisles at Borders. Signed up for dog agility classes and a new writing workshop for September. TTFN
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