Saturday evening we went to Sea World. It was our first evening visit. We first went to Wild Artic where we rode the simulation helicopter ride and viewed the polar bear, walrus, beluga whales, etc at the 'research station' after the ride. The bear was right up against the big glass window eating fish that were dropping from a hole in the ceiling. Lucky bear, when fish fall from the 'sky' into his open mouth. The bear was so beautiful and so gigantic and somehow very cute. We must do something about global warming to help these wonderful animals survive in the wild!!
We also watched the ever changing Pets Ahoy show and went to the Penguin Encounter where most of the little guys were snoozing. Went over to the seal pond where scrazzillions of pups were snuggled next to their mamas on the rocks. Cruised the shops and came home. It was a nice evening except for the hour long traffic gridlock on International Drive, the main Orlando tourist corridor. As Danny pointed out however, there were about half as many folks as usual on a Saturday night walking along the sidewalks. Most of those who were appeared to be from overseas. (Thinner and dressed better than us sloppy Americans). Guess with the economy the dismal way it is, most of us Americans are staying home. Only the Europeans can afford to travel.
I haven't heard from the publisher since I submitted my book manuscript. It is eight working days today since I sent it in. I am anxious for feedback.
We have tadpoles in the pond. Wonderful!
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