Hey there my little Bloggers and Bloggettes,
This is our 49th annual Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival week end in beautiful downtown Winter Park. As I write this, the tents along park Avenue and in Central park are up, the artists are here, the art is in place, and we're ready for y'all. We open tomorrow morning at nine and close Sunday at six. Check out wpsaf.org for more information.Come on down...its free...and view original work in your favorite art genre by 225 acclaimed artists from all over the USA and several foreign countries as well. Attend Friday night's Jazz concert in the park by a nationally known headliner. Chow down, relax, meet friends. Enjoy. Just don't park in my parking space. Just kidding. I don't have a parking space, either. Be sure to bring allergy medication if needed though. The oak pollen is dropping like rain. Achoo!
Seriously, our show is always one of the top ten in the USA and about 250,000,000 folks visit annually over the three days. Check out our website at wpsaf.org for more information.
I've been on the board of directors since 1997. We're an all volunteer board. We work on this event for one whole year. It's a labor of love and occasional frustration. Tomorrow, I will be selling T Shirts and Posters with the image you see at the top of the Blog. Come buy one from me. I'm nice.
Switching gears, I sold my late mother's house today. Linda Ramey of Coldwell Banker is the 'Supergirl' of Realtors in a horrible market. She sold my house for a reasonable price in just one month. Thanks Linda! I admit to mixed feelings about letting my parent's house go. Closure and all. But the young woman who will live there asked what my mother's favorite flowers were. She wants to be sure to plant them in the yard. Isn't that sweet? I'll close before I get misty eyed.
A neighbor just alerted me that there were two break- ins in the neighborhood last night...both in occupied homes with sizable dogs. Very unusual event here. This has always been a very safe area. Sign of the times I guess. Perps are either very overconfident, brazen, and/or lucky. Also sounds like somebody the dogs knew. Statistically most robberies are committed by teenagers who know kids who live in the areas robbed. The kids themselves might not have anything to do with it. They're duped by dopes for dope.
I know the dogs in the houses robbed. They bark at strangers. I don't have all the facts, though. Maybe the dogs were drugged. I hope they weren't hurt. I know the residents weren't, thank goodness.
I will be sure to lock my doors. However, I'm not exactly worried. My dogs will bark. They are substantial dogs. My dogs will bite. Danny wakes up easy, too. Never mind the dogs and Danny though. Beware me. I might bite. I'm the one with a bad temper. I am particularly bad tempered when somebody wakes me up when I want to sleep. Ask anyone who has ever managed to get me to an early morning meeting or event. They'll tell you, sure.
I come from Pennsylvania pioneer stock. I can do damage with an iron skillet...or whatever comes to hand, being German/ Scottish. In the DNA. No fear when mad. I don't care if the robbers are somebody's miss guided druggy teen agers, either. They will look just fine bleeding on the floor. Okay, so maybe I'm not always nice. Just don't break into my house or wake me up and I'll sell you a T Shirt with a smile. Heck, I'm so nice I'll give you an eBook copy of my book. So there. Live long and prosper.
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