Hey Bloggers. Here's some pictures of a Catahoula practicing agility moves. It's not Ginny of course but the best I can do right now since I keep forgetting to take pictures in class. Our Ginny is really enjoying agility training. She did everything practically perfect tonight...until she got bored and saturated with commands the last five minutes of class. She was supposed to do a jump then run through two tunnels. She executed the jump perfectly and ran through the first tunnel. Then she apparently decided it would be fun to jump sideways back and forth over the final tunnel three or four times. Whee, Circus trick!! Funny. Everyone laughed. So, she did it again that way. Next week is her test. If she 'passes' she goes on to the next level.
I chased the rat family out of my grill. One of them, Papa or Mama was a real Ratzilla. We're talking big, here. The rascally rodents chewed a hole in my pool screening behind the grill as an escape hatch...and escaped. Dunno where they went. Don't care either...as long as they don't get into the house.
I'm as busy as a squirrel during acorn season. Why, you ask? Well, this week has been pack up week number one at Mom's house. Its been a big job since I've been doing it on my own. I might be almost halfway there. Maybe. Everything must go by the third week in April. (Arrgh! Help! Why can't I be Samantha and wiggle my nose or Jeanie and snap my fingers?) Danny and I are going to spend this week end moving stuff into the storage room we rented last week end. Probably moving stuff next week end too.
Laura's birthday is coming up April third. Then, his brother Mark and family are coming to visit for a week and I want to take a day or two off for theme parking with Little Ben (4) and Lexi (2) and parents. The week end after that is Stephen (Danny's stepson) and Casey's baby shower in Lakeland. Then, house closing and Amy's college graduation week end with another visit from Cousin Margie to look forewards to. Busy time around here, folks. If I fall away from my blogging for a day or two now and then you'll know why.
Below is a cute picture of Little Ben, our soon to be house guest. Doncha love that Scots-Irish red hair? I can't wait to take him and equally red haired sister to Seuss Landing and Camp Jurassic at Universal.

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