Boy could I use a Hello Kitty sort of day...all pink and pretty, nuthin' to do but just lounge around in...well maybe not in a silly hat. How 'bout just lounging around?
Last week was a challenging week what with getting used to the time change (springing forwards made me very very tired), Danny starting a new 8-5 job altering both our daily routines, extreme pollen counts jump starting our allergies, deciding whether to accept the offer on Mom's house, and the usual brutal three days of work at the art festival. I thought this year would be easier physically since we weren't walking with the judge all day Friday and being at the awards judging by 7:30 am Saturday...but even with half day assignments instead of all day assignments I am totally wiped out. Maybe it is the aftermath of springing forward, being knee deep in oak pollen, and the fact that it was pushing ninety degrees out yesterday and today. I dunno. But I was physically sick today from the heat today, my knees and hips ache, and I was winded climbing four flights of stairs in the parking garage. Pitiful, just pitiful.
Enjoyed the festival as always though. The Artists party went off without a hitch (bravo Mercer).
The artists I talked to today while doing Viewing Committee duty were all happy and complimentary about our show and treatment by the board. The crowd was a bit light on Friday due to cold and rainy weather, but the park was mobbed Saturday and today and quite a few artists were happy about their sales. Now, on to the electi0n of the new executive board and 50th WPSAF!
Tomorrow, a dentist appointment and then hopefully some down time for a few hours. No hello Kitty hat. I don't look as good in hats as the dogs.
PS Ginny doesn't wear hats like the hapless ACD in the pix, but she did super well in her second agility class. Took to the various 0bstacles like a duck to a pond, especially the jumps. Not wanting to do the tunnel. She's doing good sit/stays. She'll get the tunnel idea soon enough.
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