Hey Bloggers,
Above, two pictures of our pond in progress. The entire front job should be completed by Saturday according to Ed...which probably means Monday or even Tuesday, but that's cool. We're close and its looking great. I'm happy.
Danny came home today from work at 9:30 a m and went straight to bed with an intestinal bug. No, we have not eaten any killer tomatoes. He's on the chicken soup and Gator Ade diet though for a couple days.
Word of the day: acoucheur/ noun, obstetrician As in the sentence, Casey will no doubt be spending some time with her acoucheur in the very near future. That's true. Danny's boy Stephen is gonna be a daddy real soon. Maybe even tomorrow!
This poem is for Danny.
Today I place before me
the humble Jell-O mold.
No favorite of the epicure,
if all the truth be told.
Yet when digestion’s faulty,
such simple fare’s just right.
It helps in calming hunger
all through the day and night.
It shimmers in the sunlight,
translucent, cool, and soft.
Gazing on its beauty,
I hold my spoon aloft.
I mourn the foods I used to love.
My stomach now rejects them.
I took them once for granted,
but now I must forget them.
It’s moot to yearn for Szechwan,
ground pepper on a steak.
I long for Eggplant Parmesan,
some Chili would taste great.
Another bowl of chicken soup
would surely make me cry.
Praise fate that sparkling gelatin
is here before my eyes.
It comes in many flavors,
rainbow colors too, you know
and after I have swallowed it,
all’s quiet down below.
So, hail the lowly Jell-O.
It’s the savior of the sick.
Maybe it’s not nutritious,
for me it does the trick!
By Nancy Wayman Deutsch
Live long and prosper.
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