By Nancy Wayman DeutschOh beautiful America, my own, my native land,
let freedom ring forever and tyranny be banned.
Let no man hate another; all in brotherhood unite
so we may bask as equals in liberty’s bright light.
Our founders fought with honor, for precious freedom’s sake.
They never lost their courage, nor before a despot quaked.
They endured at Valley Forge, died at the Alamo,
did not strive for glory, yet earned it even so.
When bombs fell on Pearl Harbor, no time to mourn the loss,
our soldiers rallied to the fray to champion freedom’s cause.
In Korea, in Viet Nam, and in far off desert lands,
vowed to stop injustice and promote the rights of Man.
Let Heaven weigh their sacrifice, their purity of heart.
Let History judge their actions, her wisdom to impart.
As our fathers did before us, we must carry freedom’s light
never bow before the tyrant, stand firm, for what is right.
Oh beautiful America, one nation under God,
in your precious liberty remain forever proud.
As the eagle soaring skyward, fly forever free.
Oh beautiful America, sweet land of liberty.
Nancy Wayman Deutsch
Happy 4th of July
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