Hello Bloggers,
I'm worn out today from having fun! I had lunch on Friday with my delightful writing workshop friend Leticia at a local Thai place. After lunch we went across the street to Borders and ended up talking about writing for several hours. Got home in time to feed the dogs and welcome Danny back from a hard day sitting at his computer. We then joined our pal Karen at our favorite Mexican place. Yes, I was a little Miss Piggy that day! Yesterday, after walking doggies, Danny and I went down to Downtown Disney to celebrate my just past birthday at Disney Quest.
For those of you who haven't been, Disney Quest is a five story building containing various interactive computer games and rides. By donning special head gear, you can fly one of Aladdin's carpets to search for gems and rescue the Genie or battle comic book villains with a Star Wars style light saber. You can become a pinball at the Mighty Ducks pinball game or design your own cyber roller coaster ride. You get into a small bumper car and shoot giant rubber balls at other drivers at Buzz Lightyear's ride and paddle down white water rapids at the Jungle Cruise ride pictured above. On the top floor, you get in a machine that looks like an Imperial Walker and blast space aliens as you rescue fleeing colonists on Mars. Perhaps best of all, you get in a pirate ship and blast other pirates , sea beasts, and skeletal beings out of the water at the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. Of course, there are the usual arcade type games but I prefer the whole body--almost like you're on a Holo deck-- games. Fun!!
We rode the Alien Attack game about five times. I confess, I am much better at gunning down aliens than I am at driving! I lose a colonist now and then, but at least the rescue ship doesn't end up in a burning lava pit with Danny flying. I paddled backwards on the jungle cruise and we got nowhere and had water dumped on us to as well. With Danny sailing the pirate ship, I blasted a heck of alot of pirates and garnered a whole lot of booty. Twice. A pirates life for me, mateys! The first time we played the Mighty Ducks interactive pin ball game, I scored pretty high as most of the other players were paunchy adults.The second time, full of confidence, I played against kids and came in last!! We designed a roller coaster ride full of upside rolls and spins and corkscrew turns. I laughed the whole way but Danny looked like he just wanted it over. The whole Disney Quest evening was so much fun. As I said before, I'm really just an old kid.
After playing at Disney Quest, we had dinner at Wolfgang Puck's where we had an excellent dish of Pumpkin and Cheese stuffed ravioli with pine nuts and some sort of brown alcoholic laced sauce, Caesar salad, and a black berry cobbler with cinnamon gelato atop. Divine!! I highly recommend the food.
Apres dinner we roamed the aisles of Virgin Megastore and checked out the Circ de Soliel giftshop. Bought the La Nouba DVD and watched it after walking the doggies. I've seen the surperb live production three times and highly recommend that as well.
A great birthday and un birthday celebration week end!
Ta Ta for now.
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