Not so much fun: the central a/c broke again. As I write this, it is after ten at night and its 81 degrees outside and 82 inside. I'm hot, hot, hot. Earlier, we ordered a pizza and after eating sat outside on the porch in our rockers with the citronella candles lit and the fan blowing on us watching Chili dive in the pool for about an hour and a half. That was nice. I called the a/c people and told them we'd suffer through the weekend but on Monday I want someone to come out and give an estimate on a new air handler and compressor. We've reached the point where its throwing good money after bad trying to keep our ancient system working. If we're going to be without central a/c past the week end, we can install the two window units we have as hurricane back ups- one in the kitchen/family room area and one in our bedroom. We'll cope.
Also not fun: my right eye is acting up. Two years ago, my left eye malfunctioned. It wasn't a detatched retina as it turned out but some untreatable condition with light flashes and annoying long black feathery floaters that took about six months to heal on its own. The current symptoms are the same. The floaters either look like a false eyelash floating on my eye or an arrow with a feathered tip, or a snake. Very distracting. Especially when reading on a white page or screen. The allergy medications I have to take make it worse as they dry out my eyes. Dang annoying.
I'm going to sign off now. Its just too stuffy in this room to continue. Live long and prosper.
Your house looks awesome! Can't wait to see it finished!
thanks! you'll see it soon
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